Some interesting statistics about the population of India
The population of India is approximately 1,382 million.
- India population is equivalent to 17.84% of the total world population.
- India ranks number 2 in the list of countries by population.
- The population density in India is 446 per Km2 (1,156 people per sq mile).
- The total land area is 2,972,892 Km2 (1,147,839 sq. miles).
- 32 % of the population is urban (429,802,441 people in 2016).
- The median age in India is 26.9 years.
It’s certainly true that India has much to admire and in recent years has made some significant economic advances for its middle and upper classes, however, problems rooted in culture and calamity keep much of the population mired in abject poverty. In the remote locations where we work and where communities find it hard to survive, the help that IVCM offers can make a huge difference.
Latest News
Free Tailoring Project
IVCM now provides free tailoring lessons for widows who otherwise would not be able to provide for themselves or their families. Once these ladies have finished their training they are given a sewing machine of their own which enables them to earn enough to provide for their basic needs.
These sewing machines cost approximately £85 and give a life time tool for these ladies who otherwise would have few other options to survive. If you are able to help purchase one of these machines please get in touch or use the donate button to bless one of these ladies.
The secret of Happy Children ….
Each year regular support has enabled us to help many children in rural villages by distributing food and gifts and supplementing education. There is so much more to be done to improve their standard of living, please consider joining us or making a one off donation
Some of our Projects & Activities
Practical help for Pastors
Like all of us, Pastors need practical encouragement from time to time so we try to help as often as we can. It maybe clothing or assisting...
Education & gifts for children
Children love to receive small gifts and always respond positively when blessed in this way. As part of our mission trips.....
Distributing blankets to tribal people
During the year we make occasional visits to some of the tribal villages and minister to the people there....
Gifts given to villagers
Funds allowing, IVCM aims to distribute gifts including scriptures to individuals who cannot afford to purchase copies of their own...
Reaching out with care....reaching in with love
IVCM UK is a Christian charitable organisation (Reg: 1147538) with a heart & vision to help indiginous pastors reach unreached, often remote rural villages with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide practical help and social works in India.
Mrs Kym Richards
UK president and Trustee Herefordshire
(full details on contact page)
Throughout the year we produce a quarterly news letter to keep our supporters informed of the latest events and needs along with testimonial feed back. If this is something you would like to receive (usually by email) please contact us so we can add you to our mailing list.