Widows and Orphans
Our Motto is reaching out with care and reaching in with love. Widows and orphans are therefore two groups of people who really need this practical care and loving support. India is said to have around 20 to 30 million orphans which is approximately 4% of the population, and approximately 40 million widows.
Widows and orphans are among the poorest groups in Indian society and are often neglected to the detriment of their health. The needs are almost overwhelming but we are trying to help as much as possible as we reach out with care and in with the greatest of loves.
The plight of widows in India is heartbreaking. Widows are often pushed out of their homes because they are believed to bring bad luck after their husbands die. In the villages that come under the care of IVCM, we provide new sarees to the most needy widows which is often their only piece of new clothing for the year. The cost per saree is minimal but hundreds are needed; if you wish to specifically donate to help in this way please let us know.
Medical help is also urgently required from time to time so we try and give some financial assistance when possible to help with this basic need.
There are thousands of orphans or semi orphans as one or both parents either die or abandon them. In the South part of our territory we have been able to build an orphanage thanks to a few very generous donors. This building was completed in 2013 and provides care, food and clothing to a number of orphan and semi orphan children. Support is also provided towards their needs to attend education in local government schools which is supplemented on a regular basis in house. The ongoing requirements of this project are naturally quite costly and if this is something you would like to help then please let us know.
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Reaching out with care....reaching in with love
IVCM UK is a charitable organisation (Reg: 1147538) with a heart & vision to help indiginous pastors reach often remote rural villages and to provide practical help and holistic care in India.

Mrs Kym Richards
UK President and Trustee
(full details on contact page)
Throughout the year we produce a quarterly news letter to keep our supporters informed of the latest events and needs. If this is something you would like to receive (usually by email) please contact us so we can add you to our mailing list.