Village care programs
One third of the world & poor live in India, which has a population of over 1.2 billion. More than 75% of Indian families live in remote villages more than 5 miles from a main road. The scourge of aids is creating more orphans at a rapid rate and India has the largest number of aids orphans in the world so education on this subject has a very important role to play.
Four out of ten malnourished children in the world live in India and one infant dies every 15 seconds.
The needs are great within such rural communities so we try to provide a meal from time to time within one of these communities especially aimed at the children and older people.
Many villagers have to walk miles to get clean water so we occasionally get involved in providing funds to establish a well and make fresh water available for the whole village, this has a lasting legacy!
Although we help financially when possible with the medical needs of the most desperate, we have a greater hope one day to provide a medical vehicle that could regularly visit the villages where we work so we can help meet some of these basic yet essential medical needs.
We would love to do this soon but as yet are restricted by finances. Is this something you could raise funds for, or contribute towards?
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Reaching out with care....reaching in with love
IVCM UK is a charitable organisation (Reg: 1147538) with a heart & vision to help indiginous pastors reach often remote rural villages and to provide practical help and holistic care in India.

Mrs Kym Richards
UK President and Trustee
(full details on contact page)
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