Village ministries - giving practical help
There are approximately .65 million villages in India with around 70% of the population living in these communities, consequently millions of people need help and hope. Around 30% of these villagers are living below poverty line with lack of food, nutrition, accommodation, education and medical facilities. Thousands of Orphans are abandoned, along with street children, leading to disease and premature death. By helping with some of these physical needs we are able to relieve them of some of their troubles thereby demonstrating to them that they are important, loved and of value in this world.
In these remote villages IVCM aims to appoint a local pastor to continue to take care of their needs and be on hand to help further. Many are given real hope and are responding to being taken care of within such a pastor cared for community. We are currently working in more than 55 rural villages within two districts of Tamilnadu.
There are numerous opportunities to help remote communities like this, albeit sometimes there are difficulties and obstacles to be overcome but it is worth it to see how much our ministry is appreciated and brings hope.
Find out more about our other Ministries
Reaching out with care....reaching in with love
IVCM UK is a charitable organisation (Reg: 1147538) with a heart & vision to help indiginous pastors reach often remote rural villages and to provide practical help and holistic care in India.

Mrs Kym Richards
UK President and Trustee
(full details on contact page)
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